
The first reference textbook on the mesentery: “Mesenteric Principles of Gastrointestinal Surgery: Basic and Applied Principles”

Published: 2017-04-27

“Mesenteric Principles of Gastrointestinal Surgery: Basic and Applied Principles” is the first reference textbook on the mesentery to be published. The book follows on the recent publication on the “Mesentery; structure, function and role in disease” (published in the Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Nov,2016,

The foundation chapter on mesenteric and peritoneal anatomy is available to all at https://ow.Ly/Y4Db30ar60z.

All chapters incorporate fully interactive digital models of abdominal anatomy which are accessible at

Part one explains the anatomy, histology, embryology, physiology, pathology, radiology and gastroenterology of the modern concept of the mesentery.

Part two is a technical manual explaining how to perform all forms of large intestinal resection, (including TME and CME) and everything in between, using the simpler and modern model of the mesentery.

MPGS is beautifully illustrated using start of the art digital sculpting technology throughout.

MPGS provides a foundation on which Mesentery and Peritoneum (MAP) is based.