AB078. 83. Deconstructing microsuction using hierarchical task analysis (HTA) methodology
H&N/ENT Session

AB078. 83. Deconstructing microsuction using hierarchical task analysis (HTA) methodology

Isobel O’Riordan, Camilla Carroll

Department of Otolaryngology, Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

Abstract: Ear, nose and throat (ENT) is a craft speciality with unique procedural skills, which must be acquired and mastered in the early years of training. All trainees must be technically proficient in utilising a surgical microscope for treatment and management of common ENT conditions both in the outpatients and operating theatre. Microsuction of the ear for conditions such as cerumen impaction, otitis externa and active chronic suppurative otitis media are index procedures for ST3 ENT Specialist trainees. We propose that a standardised approach to teaching microsuction could be achieved through the process of deconstructing the task into its component parts. Hierarchical task analysis (HTA) is a methodology which can be utilised to breakdown a complex task in a stepwise and orderly fashion. It is used as a strategy for teaching cognitively loaded tasks to trainees in order for the trainees to comprehend the component parts of the procedure. This paper demonstrates, how microsuction can be deconstructed, using HTA methodology. The task analysis introduces a standardised approach to teaching an index technical skill to ENT surgical trainees and other healthcare professionals, who may be involved in undertaking this procedure.

Keywords: Human factors; microscopic ear suction; hierarchical; task; analysis

doi: 10.21037/map.2018.AB078

Cite this article as: O’Riordan I, Carroll C. Deconstructing microsuction using hierarchical task analysis (HTA) methodology. Mesentery Peritoneum 2018;2:AB078. doi: 10.21037/map.2018.AB078

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