AB087. 47. Burn-out among doctors is the potential “time bomb of our time”
Head & Neck/ENT Session

AB087. 47. Burn-out among doctors is the potential “time bomb of our time”

Lawal Ibrahim Usman1, John Eugene Fenton1,2

1Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital Limerick, Dooradoyle, Co. Limerick, Ireland;2Graduate Entry Medical School Limerick, University of Limerick, Castletroy, Limerick, Ireland

Background: Since first described in 1974, burn-out among doctors has been described as a work-related syndrome characterized by emotional exhaustion which results in decrease accomplishment at work, cynical attitude to common day activities and viewing patient in detached manner. It is estimated that about 30–50% of Doctors suffer from burn out. This is happening at a time when healthcare is facing its greatest demand and pressure. Pressure from increasing costs and capacity utilization, increasing attention and interference from politicians who often base their campaign on health reforms. Increasing regulatory guidelines without the mechanism for compliance, managements demands for increasing efficiency in the delivery of service. Well informed patients and their assertive relatives, lastly the media in there ever quest for a breaking news headlines that would sell.

Methods: This is a literature review of the current issues in burn out discussions both in the academic literature and main stream media coverage on the issues of doctors burn-out. Covering such issues as doctors’ fatigue, stress and its effects on the service delivery and ways to mitigate it.

Results: Measures have to be taken both at the institutional level not only the individually focused steps to mitigate against its effects on healthcare industries.

Conclusions: Burn-out is a serious issue that cannot be ignored and has the potential to derail an effective delivery of services.

Keywords: Burn-out; doctors; emotional exhaustion healthcare industry; stress

doi: 10.21037/map.2019.AB087
Cite this abstract as: Usman LI, Fenton JE. Burn-out among doctors is the potential “time bomb of our time”. Mesentery Peritoneum 2019;3:AB087.

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