AB146. Trauma apartheid in the west of Ireland!
Session 11: Orthopaedic Session II

AB146. Trauma apartheid in the west of Ireland!

Patrick McCabe, Eilis Fitzgerald, Barry O’Neill, John Kelly

Department of Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery, Sligo University Hospital, Sligo, Ireland

Background: Trauma services in Ireland are undergoing a fundamental overhaul with a complete restructuring and centralisation of service as documented by the Trauma Steering Group. Peripheral Trauma Units will remain pivotal in the viability of this new Hub & Spoke model, given the unique social and geographical distribution of the population within this country. This study comprehensively appraises the quality of trauma services available across the 16 units providing a Trauma & Orthopaedic service within the Republic of Ireland.

Methods: Using data supplied from the “Trauma & Orthopaedic Programme” & Irish Hip Fracture Database we analysed the trauma statistics across all 16 units for the calendar year 2018. Using this data set we assessed overall trauma volume, unit size based on personnel, theatre capacity & theatre access, be that on a dedicated or shared basis.

Results: Our results demonstrated that there is a marked discrepancy in trauma theatre access & capacity directly related to geographical location & independent of trauma volume.

Conclusions: Along with providing a comprehensive and thought-provoking overview of trauma services as a whole. Our stark results have highlighted that the both surgeons and more importantly, patients, in the west of Ireland are currently being unduly discriminated against with regards their inability to access adequate, safe and equitable trauma services.

Keywords: Trauma; orthopaedic; networks; service provision

doi: 10.21037/map.2020.AB146
Cite this abstract as: McCabe P, Fitzgerald E, O’Neill B, Kelly J. Trauma apartheid in the west of Ireland! Mesentery Peritoneum 2020;4:AB146.

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